Wash and Learn – offering reading corners in laundromats and lessons learned


QualityMetrics was involved in an innovative program before the pandemic to create reading corners in laundromats to ensure people who frequent these facilities have spaces where their children and themselves [...]

Wash and Learn – offering reading corners in laundromats and lessons learned2024-10-15T15:37:30+00:00

Research on Motivation, Literacy and Reading Development: A Review of Best Practices


 Final Report for the Institute of Museum and Library Services Literacy development in the early childhood and elementary school years is critical for learning and the acquisition of other skills [...]

Research on Motivation, Literacy and Reading Development: A Review of Best Practices2024-05-08T04:58:37+00:00

Growth in the Nation’s Largest Counties Rebounds in 2022 (US Census)


[Source: U.S. Census Bureau] MARCH 30, 2023 — After some of the nation's most populous counties experienced significant outmigration and population declines in 2021, overall patterns of population growth and decline [...]

Growth in the Nation’s Largest Counties Rebounds in 2022 (US Census)2023-03-31T02:20:44+00:00

27 State Library Administrative Agency LSTA Evaluations available on the IMLS website


QualityMetrics, LLC successfully completed 27 State Library Agency Evaluations for the period covering 2018-2022.  The reports are now available on the IMLS website. This year's five year evaluations incorporate valuable [...]

27 State Library Administrative Agency LSTA Evaluations available on the IMLS website2022-10-27T23:47:07+00:00

Fresh Start @ Your Library helping formerly incarcerated people navigate reentry successfully


Fresh Start @ Your Library is a program started in 2009 at Long Branch Public Library in New Jersey to connect formerly incarcerated people with the resources and services they [...]

Fresh Start @ Your Library helping formerly incarcerated people navigate reentry successfully2021-11-23T13:56:01+00:00


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